Anna's Hummingbird perched on wire with snow and ice

Tips for Assisting Anna’s Hummingbirds in Cold Weather

Many wonder how our wildlife neighbors, Anna’s Hummingbirds, survive the cold weather. The amazing thing is Anna’s Hummingbirds are quite resilient in snow and freezing temperatures and are uniquely adapted to handle the cold. However, if you’d like to assist, here some tips for how you can do so safely.

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Two separate photos side by side, the one on the left of Ruby preening her feathers and the one on the right a portrait of Aristophanes.

A New Home for Ruby and Aristophanes

We have both exciting and hard news to share with you regarding our two beloved Ambassador Animals, Aristophanes the Raven and Ruby the Turkey Vulture. In early January both birds will be moving to the Point Defiance Zoo in Tacoma Washington.

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Red-tailed Hawk being released

One Lucky Red-tailed Hawk

A Red-tailed Hawk had arrived at the Wildlife Care Center after colliding with the glass side of a sporting goods store. After nearly two months of rest and rehabilitation while the hawk’s injuries healed, we were so happy to be able to release the hawk back out into the wild with a handful of volunteers cheering her/him on.

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