A Big Night for Wildlife, People and the Environment

Last night was a great night for fish and wildlife, water quality, and access to nature in our region.

The Metro Nature For All Greenspace Bond Measure (26-203) passed with an estimated 63% of the vote and large majorities in Multnomah, Clackamas, and Washington Counties. It will generate $475 million in the coming years to protect our most at-risk natural areas, from the urban core to the edge of the urban growth boundary and ensure access to nature for all of our region’s residents. It builds in important goals related to climate change resilience and equity to help address some of the biggest challenges facing our communities and ensure that our most vulnerable populations benefit. Learn more about the history of this measure.

Great Blue Heron landing in a wetlands
Fernhill Wetlands, Forest Grove, Washington County, Oregon, USA

Measure 26-204 which enshrines protections for the Bull Run Watershed in the Portland City Charter passed with an estimated 87% of the vote. It will help ensure a legacy of clean water for future generations and protections for species such as the Northern Spotted Owl which nests within the protected area. Commissioner Amanda Fritz was instrumental in leading this effort.

Measure 26-205 which allows Portland to send aid to other communities to help repair water systems in the event of a disaster in return for reciprocal aid passed with 83% of the vote. This is a common sense measure will help ensure that our community remains resilient in the event of a disaster.

Over the past 30 years, Portland Metro Region voters have strongly and consistently supported ballot measures to protect our natural resources and ensure equitable access to nature. Last night perpetuated that legacy and will give us resources to continue creating one of the greenest metropolitan regions in the United States.

Bird Alliance of Oregon was proud to work with a wide coalition of conservation, environmental justice, community groups, and businesses to pass these measures. At a time when our nation is so conflicted, it is amazing to see our community moving forward together in solidarity to protect our environment,

Thank you to all who supported these measures!