Bird Alliance of Oregon Backyard BioBlitz Report: April 28, 2020

By Bob Sallinger, Conservation Director

We had 158 reports submitted in the first week so we are off to a really great start! Participants included kids and adults, families and schools classes. We will continue to do the BioBlitz each Tuesday for the rest of the summer so please keep participating and inviting your friends. We have summarized the data below so that you can see what other folks are seeing. 

One really cool thing that jumps out is how many people are seeing Anna’s Hummingbirds. Anna’s Hummingbirds are a year-round resident of the Portland Metro Region and one of our earliest nesting species. They seem to be having an amazing year—we cannot recall ever getting so many reports. To see and learn more about this beautiful bird, check-out this video of a nesting Anna’s Hummingbird submitted by local naturalist, author and filmmaker, David Lukas.

The following is a summary of species reported on April 28.  (Species and the percent of participants reporting)

Male Anna's Hummingbird perching on a branch.
Anna's Hummingbird, photo by Mick Thompson


American Robin76%
American Crow72%
Black-capped Chickadee66%
Anna’s Hummingbird – 62%
Dark-eyed Junco56%
Song Sparrows53%
Cal. Scrub Jay49%
House Finch46%
Spotted Towhee44%
Stellers Jay –  40%
Mourning Dove – 30%
Lesser Goldfinch – 30%
Downy Woodpecker29%
American Goldfinch29%
European Starling26%
Red-breasted Nuthatch25%
Bewick’s Wren22%
House Sparrow22%
Rufous Hummingbird21%
Yellow-rumped Warbler20%
Bewick’s Wren20%
White-crowned Sparrow16%
Red-tailed Hawk15%
Canada Goose15%
Pine Siskin13%
Vaux Swift12%
Red-breasted Sapsucker – 10%
Hairy Woodpecker8%
Band-tailed Pigeon8%
Great Blue Heron8%
Black-headed Grosbeak7%
Ruby-crowned Kinglet7%
Northern Flicker6%
Tree Swallow6%
Brown Creeper5%
Pileated Woodpecker5%
Violet-green Swallow4%
Wilson’s Warbler – 4%

Orange-crowned Warbler – 4%
Raven – 4%
Western Tanager – 3%
Barred Owl – 3%
Barn Swallow – 2%
Golden Crowned Sparrow – 2%
Black-throated Gray Warbler – 2%
Sharp-shinned Hawk –
Chestnut-backed Chickadee1%
Western Screech Owl<1%
Green Heron<1%
Bald Eagle<1%
Eurasian Collared Dove<1%
Turkey Vulture<1%
White-breasted Nuthatch<1%
Red-winged Blackbird<1%
Purple Finch<1%
Hermit Thrush<1%


Eastern Gray Squirrel39%
Free-roaming Cat23%
Fox squirrel23%
Douglas Squirrel15%
Bat Species – 5%
Red Fox<1%

Also seen: Brush Rabbit, Chipmunk, Norway Rat, Grey Fox, Nutria, California Ground Squirrel


Honey Bee37%
Mason Bee23%
Common Green Darner1%

Photo of the Week

This photo of a Honeybee swarm in NE Portland was submitted to our BioBlitz Facebook Page by a kindergarten teacher whose entire class got to watch online as the swarm was captured in one of her students yards by a beekeeper and transferred to a hive.

Tip of the Week:

Many baby birds including Robins, Scrub Jays, Crows and Finches, even hawks and owls, leave the nest before they are able to fly and can spend many days on the ground learning from their parents. These birds are called “fledglings.” This is an important part of their development when they learn many of their life skills. The parents will continue feeding them and caring for them during this period although they may also spend extensive periods on their own. It is tempting to try and “rescue” them but the best think you can do is leave them alone and allow them to proceed through this natural process.

These young birds can be almost fully feathered and as large as their parents so it can be hard to tell, but if you see a bird hopping around on the ground in May, it is most likely a fledgling. If you see a bird on the ground and are concerned, you can always call our Wildlife Care Center for advice at 503 292-0304. For more information, click here.

To Learn More:

Bird Alliance of Oregon BioBlitz Facebook Group Page: You can post pictures, information or questions about what you are seeing at any time on our Backyard BioBlitz Facebook Group Page. We are also posting information and opportunities to learn more about the region’s wildlife here as well.

Ask a Birder: Every Wednesday from 7-8 pm, Bird Alliance of Oregon experts will be online talking about the birds that are passing through our region and answering questions. Learn more.

Learn About Birds that Are Passing through Portland on Migration: Each week Bird Alliance of Oregon naturalist Dan van den Broek provides information about the species you are likely to see passing through. 

Need Birdfeeding Supplies?  The Bird Alliance of Oregon Nature Store is now online! Everything from feeders to birdseed and suet to guides and optics is available for online purchase and can be either shipped or picked-up curbside.