Mid-term Election a Big Night for the Environment and Our Community!

This mid-term election, the community took a strong stand for our environment and equity and stood up against forces that seek to divide us and marginalize the most vulnerable among us.

Voters overwhelmingly passed the Portland Clean Energy Initiative, Honest Elections,  and the Metro Affordable Housing Measure and strongly rejected Measure 105 which would have repealed Oregon’s anti-profiling law.

This morning we wake up knowing that Portland will have upwards of $30 million a year to fight climate change with priority placed on supporting frontline communities that bear the brunt of our environmental challenges. Our local elections will be cleaner and fairer due to strong limitations on contributions. Our region will have funds to build upwards of 12,000 new affordable housing units. Our state has said no to hate by standing up for our 30-year-old anti-profiling law.

Perhaps even more important than the victories that were won last night was how we did it.


Huge broad progressive coalitions were formed that included environmental groups, environmental justice groups, communities of color, housing advocates, local businesses, labor, communities of faith….Thousands of people took to the streets in true grassroots campaigns, collecting signatures, knocking on doors, distributing lawn signs, making phone calls, hosting house parties, talking to their friends and neighbors about the need to take control of our communities and our future.

Bird Alliance of Oregon was proud to stand with groups like the Coalition of Communities of Color, NAACP, Verde, APANO, Causa, OPAL Environmental Justice, Sierra Club of Oregon, 350PDX, NAYA, Physicians for Social Responsibility of Oregon, Family Forward Oregon, Columbia Riverkeeper, Oregon Environmental Council, and so many others. Those grassroots coalitions will transcend this election and help build a stronger more equitable future for all members of our community.

Thank you to everybody who volunteered on these campaigns, who voted, who stood up for a healthier and more equitable future for people and wildlife in our state!

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