Action Alert: Tell Multnomah County to Include Birdsafe Building Standards in New Library

Late last year we asked you to help us send a strong message to Multnomah County that it’s time to come into alignment with the City of Portland and Metro Regional Government by requiring bird safe building and lighting standards for their own buildings. We’ve had some good conversations with County staff since then, but we don’t have a commitment from them yet.

Right now the County is collecting input on the new East County Library design. This is an important opportunity for County residents to influence the resources, community spaces, and services that may be offered, as well as to send a strong message that the community cares about bird safe buildings.

East County Library rendering during the day
East County Library rendering courtesy of Adjaye Associates

Talking Points

Question #3 in the survey asks about welcoming spaces and provides a series of check boxes and an “Other” box. Please use this space to tell the County that, among your other priorities, you want the following:

    1. Check the “green space ” box
    2. Check the “other (please specify)” box and use this space to indicate your preference for bird friendly designs (see below for some suggestions);
        • Thoughtful lighting that simultaneously minimizes light pollution and energy use while providing a safe experience for visitors
        • Marked glass to minimize the number of birds that crash into windows.
        • Shading on skylights to minimize light trespass at night

Thank you for taking the survey to ensure that Multnomah County knows that all of their buildings need to meet sensible and meaningful building sustainability goals for the safety of people, wildlife, and the environment.