Urge State Leaders to Support SB 847 To Protect High Value Habitat

The Elliott State Forest represents the very best of what makes Oregon special, which is why in 1933 this coastal rainforest became our first state forest. Today, the Elliott is home to towering mature trees, clean, cold waterways teeming with salmon, and crucial habitat for wildlife and recreationists alike. Forests like these were worth protecting in 1933 and are even more critical today.

Due to your efforts, the Elliott is no longer at risk of being sold off, but the risk still remains for other similar state lands that hold important natural resources.

Northern Spotted Owl by Scott Carpenter

We need your voice!

Ask your representatives to SUPPORT Senate Bill 847 to create a Trust Lands Transfer Program in Oregon so that State treasures like the Elliott will be protected for current and future Oregonians.

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Senate Bill 847 creates a process for transferring lands currently managed for Common School Fund benefits, which are not living up to their potential, to other public agencies who are better equipped to manage these lands for public benefit. Oregon’s Common School Lands have a strong mandate to produce revenue for the Common School Fund, which sometimes comes into conflict with habitat and species protections or other public uses. In many cases the lands have legally protected environmental assets or are used by the public for a variety of recreational activities. Please take action today to urge State Representatives to support SB 847 to create a tool to help relieve the tension between environmental concerns and revenue pressure on Common School Fund lands.

Thank you for speaking out for public lands!